NFL Disability Claims


Serving a Broad Range of Needs

The National Football League NFL has agreed to a settlement compensating its former players and their families in the United States. The organization is set to pay $765 million to compensate victims, pay for medical exams, and underwrite research related to the long-term health risks associated with professional football. You and/or your family may still be eligible for compensation for your football injuries. Don’t delay—your time to file a claim may be limited. Contact us to represent you as your NFL disability attorney in United States for a free and confidential consultation, click on your team below.

As an ex-NFL player, their is possibility you’ve occurred life long disabilities due to years playing on the field and its a common occurrence in the Colorado based teams as well. These booklets are the full-length versions of the 2022 NFLPA Benefits Book, 2019 NFL Player Disability & Neurocognitive Benefit Plan, 2014 Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan and lastly the 2011 NFL & NFLPA Collective Bargaining Agreement for current and previous players:

  • 2022 NFLPA Benefits Book (PDF here)
  • 2019 NFL Player Disability & Neurocognitive Benefit Plan (PDF here)
  • 2014 Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan (PDF here)
  • 2011 NFL & NFLPA Collective Bargaining Agreement (PDF here)
What you need to know about NFL Football head injuries?

Right now, the National Football League (NFL) is one of the most popular sports organizations in the United States. The league makes billions of dollars annually, and some players may be sacrificing their long-term health and livelihoods for the profitability of the game.

Even with significant medical evidence that concussions and repeated blows to the head can lead to serious long-term health problems, many players were not adequately informed of the potential health risks. While retired players have suffered for years with cases of dementia, reduced mental capacity, mental illness, and other serious health problems, the National Football League is just now starting to acknowledge the long-term adverse effects of repeated head trauma.

How does a former NFL player get Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?

A recent study conducted at Boston University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy discovered evidence that a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a severe degenerative brain disease, had been found in the brains of 14 out of 15 deceased former NFL players. Their cases shared a common thread: repeated concussions, sub-concussive blows to the head, or both, according to the study.

CTE is characterized by a progressive deterioration in mental capabilities. It begins with mild memory loss and lessened concentration and can progress towards symptoms of Parkinson’s disease to full‐blown dementia and speech abnormalities.

How does a former NFL player get Head Trauma and Dementia?

Researchers in neurology at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago conducted a study by Dr. Christopher Randolph, PhD – where the findings suggest that mild, repeated blows to the head—like the kind suffered by many NFL players during their careers—may predispose people to dementia. These new findings come from follow-up research to a 2005 study that revealed retired football players appeared to be at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

What are the symptoms of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a degenerative brain illness triggered by repetitive traumatic head injuries, such as concussions, and even asymptotic brain injuries. These repetitive injuries cause certain proteins to build up in the brain that spread and kill brain cells with time that ex NFL football players can experience after years of playing ball.

Symptoms of CTE include, but are not limited to:

  • Impulsivity and Anxiety
  • Severe Personality Changes
  • Emotional Instability
  • Short Term or Long Term Memory Loss
  • Depression and Suicidal Thoughts
  • Speech Impediments
  • Inability to Think and Focus
  • Early Onset Dementia
  • Aggression and Anger
  • Eye Vision Issues
What is Possible Treatment Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or Traumatic Brain Injury?

One visionary physician, Mark Gordon, MD, has successfully treated both veterans and civilians with traumatic brain injury by restoring neurosteroid levels. Working with veterans who have sustained significant combat injuries to the brain, Dr. Gordon has restored wholeness to their lives.

Hopefully, his innovative work with neurosteroids will find its way into mainstream medicine to help the millions suffering with traumatic brain injury, read more here in our blog post on What is Possible Treatment Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or Traumatic Brain Injury.

What are the disability tiers in a NFL Disability Claim in Colorado based team?

There are three types of NFL disability benefits: Total and Permanent Disability Benefits (T&P), Line-of-Duty Disability Benefits and Neurocognitive Disability Benefits.

If you are eligible for total and permanent NFL disability benefits, the amount of your monthly benefit depends on which of the following four categories applies to you: Active Football, Active Non-Football, Inactive A and Inactive B. Your specific case and tier will be thoroughly evaluated to determine the financial value of the specific damages including:

  • Active Football. If the disability results from NFL football activities, arises while you are an Active Player, and causes you to be totally and permanently disabled “shortly after” the disability first arises
  • Active Non-Football. If the disability does not result from NFL football activities, but does arise while you are an Active Player, and does cause you to be totally and permanently disabled “shortly after” the disability first arises
  • Inactive A. If the disability arises within 15 years of your last Credited Season
  • Inactive B. If the disability arises 15 years after your last Credited Season
What are the possibly damages in a NFL Disability Injuries in Colorado based team?

While the process is immensely complicated, essentially ex-NFL players are eligible to receive disability payments in some cases up to $138,000 a year from the league if they are deemed unable to work due to injuries sustained while playing in the NFL, but if they are denied disability benefits that settlement could become higher. The amount each player is entitled to receive depends on which classification the player falls within and their injuries. Here are some recent settlements listed below:


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NFL Disability Injuries & Claims in United States

The NFL should be held responsible for failing to inform players of the long-term health risks associated with head trauma. The money the league makes today in no way justifies the risks it imposed on former players. We want to help you get the compensation and care you deserve if you were not adequately informed of the risks associated with head trauma and playing in the NFL. You should not have to face the devastating, life-altering consequences of the NFL’s failure to inform you of the risks associated with playing professional football.

Let our firm help you and your family fight for the justice and fair recovery you deserve regarding your NFL Disability Claims.


If We Don’t Recover Compensation

Our initial consultation with you is always free of charge. If after meeting with you it appears that the law and facts support your claims, our attorneys handle most injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that our attorneys only get paid for their services once they have obtained a monetary recovery for you. Please call us today to schedule a no-cost consultation or simply fill out an online request form and provide us with some brief information about your case. An experienced attorney at Larson Larimer Schneider, P.C. will get back to you promptly after reviewing your information. If necessary, we can travel to meet you at your home or in the hospital.