When you’re injured in an automobile accident, there are a number of insurance questions that come into play. The first, and probably most important for auto accident injuries, before lawyers for car accidents even come into the picture, is whose fault is the accident? Luckily, regardless of whose fault it is, if you chose to keep Medpay coverage, your treatment related to the accident can be covered up to a specific dollar amount.
Medpay is a special type of no-fault insurance, which means it’s available to you regardless of whose fault an accident is. Even if the accident isn’t your fault, the involved insurance companies may wait a while to decide liability on your injury claim, which leaves those injured in auto accidents relying on their personal insurance to fund necessary medical care. Lawyers for car accidents can sometimes find pathways to help injured people fund care while liability is being decided but one of the best ways to avoid difficult questions during the healing process is to maintain Medical Pay Coverage (“Medpay”).
Many people who haven’t gotten into treatment related to car accident injury don’t realize what a valuable resource Medpay is. Simply put, it is the best recourse for auto accident injury with the exception of an experienced lawyer. Medpay probably won’t cover all of your health expenses but it’s money the insurance company will pay out for your treatment without looking at fault. That’s important, especially when your injury is catastrophic and your attorney is the only person you can turn to who’s guaranteed to be on your side. In that situation, a guaranteed benefits paid to your medical providers can make a huge difference. Should you waive Medpay coverage? Absolutely not.