[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From the first day of October, there are very few things that young children are focused on other than Halloween in Denver Colorado. With costumes, jack-o-lanterns, and, of course, candy — this night is often a crowd favorite. However, Halloween carries many potential dangers for pedestrians accidents in Denver. This why you might need a Denver personal injury lawyer for your case. Fortunately, both drivers and pedestrians can do their part and make a commitment to improving Halloween roadway safety. Here’s what you should know: Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters No matter how big your trick-or-treating group is, each person can use these tips to have a safer experience: Increase visibility to drivers by wearing bright colored or reflective costumes and using a flashlight when walking between houses. Plan your route ahead of time, and if you're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, stay in the more well-lit areas. If you need to…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Accidents happen, and when they do, you want to be sure that you are prepared for the worst. The good news is that the right car insurance coverage can ease your words and provide you with peace of mind. Understanding car insurance laws in your state can help you protect yourself and your family should the unexpected happen. Our team discusses more below. Minimum Requirements for Colorado Drivers Every state has its own requirements when it comes to car insurance. In Colorado, all drivers must have the minimum liability coverage in the following amounts: Bodily injury coverage of $25,000 per person. This covers the costs of injury to another person should you be found responsible for an accident. Bodily injury coverage has a total maximum per accident of $50,000. Again, this covers the cost of injury-related expenses per accident, should you be found liable. Personal property damage of up to $15,000. This will cover…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Being injured in a car accident and then needing a car accident lawyer can be a traumatic, stressful, and scary experience. Unfortunately, the battle doesn’t end there. Car accident victims will oftentimes have to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company in order to recover compensation for damages resulting from the accident, including medical expenses and lost wages. One of the most important pieces of information we can give you is that insurance companies are businesses. What this means is that their primary goal is to maximize profits, which they do by going to any means necessary to deny or devalue even legitimate claims. Arm yourself with the information below to ensure that your case is protected from sneaky insurance adjusters. Be Honest, But Be Wary of Their Goals Immediately after the accident, an insurance adjuster from the at-fault driver’s insurance company will call you in order to ask you…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When another driver hits your vehicle, you probably expect that they will have the decency to pull over so that you can exchange information with them, call emergency medical responders, and wait for the police to show up. After all, Colorado drivers are legally required to remain at the scene of a car accident if there is property damage or bodily injury. Unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents in Colorado are all too common. In fact, a 2018 research study done by AAA found that about 20% of all auto accidents in Colorado are hit and runs. In 2016 alone, 31 hit-and-run accidents resulted in at least one fatality. Colorado Hit-and-Run Laws An accident is considered a hit and run when a driver collides with another vehicle and flees the scene of the crash without providing contact information or helping any victims who need medical attention. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, a person…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Children love to beat the summer heat by hopping in the swimming pool and splashing around in the water. While it may seem like all fun, parents should remember that swimming pool drownings are a leading cause of child fatalities in the Denver Colorado Child Drowning Statistics What exactly do we know about child drownings? Here are some statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to show the entirety and prevalence of this safety concern: Every day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning. About one in five drowning victims are children 14 years old or younger. Children under 5 years old have the highest risk of drowning. On average, about 350 children die of drowning each year. African American children are 5.5x more likely to drown than white children. For every child that dies of drowning, another five children receive treatment in emergency rooms for nonfatal injuries. Additionally, the CDC reports…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The sun is shining, teens are out of school, and vacations loom ahead during the summer. While you may be anticipating relaxing during this time, know that there is never a good time to let your guard down and put safety on the back burner. In fact, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), there is a higher risk of getting into a car accident in Denver and needing a Denver car accident lawyer during the summer, compared to other months of the year. Here are four reasons why car crashes occur more frequently during summer and how you can reduce your risk of being injured. More Drunk Drivers on the Road Summer is the season for socializing with friends and having pool parties, backyard barbecues, and holiday get-togethers. Many gatherings involve alcoholic beverages, which can inevitably lead to more drunk drivers on the road. Every day in the U.S.,…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The most impactful way is to learn how to eliminate distractions behind the wheel and teach others how to do so. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines three types of driving distractions: Visual. Anything that takes your eyes off of the road. Manual. Anything that takes your hands off of the wheel. Cognitive. Anything that takes your mind off of the task of driving. With that said, here are some effective techniques that you can implement to ensure that you are always a safe driver: Put your phone away and on silent so you aren’t tempted to use it. Only use your phone for emergency purposes. Ensure that your children are properly secured in car seats or booster seats. If you’re using GPS, put the directions in before you get on the road. Adjust your mirrors, seat, and music prior to driving. Limit the number of passengers…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you been injured in a motor vehicle accident or as the result of someone else’s fault in the past several months while the COVID 19 virus has been causing great changes to our medical community? If so, the top rated personal injury law firm of Larson Larimer Schneider suggests taking the following steps to assure the successful outcome of your claim and to make sure the insurance companies compensate you fairly when the time comes.  The following steps will help assure a successful outcome: Contact our office for assistance.  Our office is considered an essential businesses per Colorado’s stay-at-home orders.  We have staff working onsite and from home. You can reach our offices 24/7 and if you can’t reach a member immediately, we will be notified and get back to you shortly. We can arrange initial meetings by telephone, Skype, Facetime, or other face-to-face method so that you don’t have to…